Recordings Piano Soloist
- Pictures at an Exhibition:
- Pictures at an Exhibition:
- Gnomus (excerpt)
- Il vecchio castello (excerpt)
- Tuileries - Children quarreling at play (excerpt)
- Bydlo (excerpt)
- Promenade (excerpt)
- Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques (excerpt)
- Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle (excerpt)
- Limoges (excerpt)
- Catacombae - Sepulchrum romanum (excerpt)
- Baba-Yaga and The Great Gate of Kiev
- Romeo and Juliet Suite:
- Romeo and Juliet Suite:
- Balcony scene (excerpt)
- Girls with lilies (excerpt)
- Mercutio (excerpt)
- Frair Lorenzo (excerpt)
- Montegues and Capulets
- Romeo bids Juliet farewell (excerpt)